WARNING: This page contains major spoilers for Ep. 59 onwards. Proceed at your own risk.
Symbol is the teacher of Group A. They are new to Strumlotts and, despite their apparent fame as a bard, is not yet accustomed to the responsibilities their new role entails.
He is seen playing dual-recorders, however is later shown to be versed in many other instruments as well.
Physical Description[]
After being ten minutes late to his first meeting with the bards, Symbol is described as follows:
- a man of medium height
- wearing leather armour with a purple crushed velvet renaissance style hat
Before his appearance in Strumlotts, Symbol wore many names and appeared as vaious figures in the history of Beetzart. His original name is Theramin - the owner of Randy's tree in the field of Dissonance. He built the organ which Randy uses.
He is a Lyreion- one of three exiled for sharing their species' magic with the people of Beetzart. This magic now resides in the three instruments wielded by Chaos Sauce.
His past identities include The Dizz, Barenthall Strumlotts, Sighren, and many others.
When travelling with his students (Chaos Sauce), he is seen frequently taking notes in his journal.
While talking to a guard at Lakeridge, they learn that he is "one of the most fantastic performers in the land" and that he's been touring for a long time. Apparently he also plays a wide variety of instruments, but has recently decided to take a back seat to travelling and teach at Strumlotts. For more on his pre-Strumlotts life, including his band and touring career around Beetzart, listen to the miniseries Behind the Magic: Symbol.
In one of his biographies, Symbol's age and birth date are explicitly not mentioned. However, when the bards tell Dewey that Symbol is their teacher, he comments that he met Symbol on his last visit to Basom. This causes the bards to wonder how old Symbol is.
Later in Ep. 24 - Swords, Whispers, and Glamour, the teacher of the college of Glamour, Phil (who is 291 years old) states that Symbol is much older than him, further raising questions as to Symbol's real age. Phil also says that Symbol's face has changed over the years. Despite Raz'ul's persuasion check, Symbol won't say what his previous names and faces were, but insists they have changed because of the suspicion aroused when an artist sticks around too long. Raz'ul confirms this is not the entire truth.
Welcome to Strumlotts and Tuning Up[]
Symbol is not present when the rest of the faculty arrive to greet the students in Ep. 1, and does not appear for another ten minutes, when he at last greets Group A while eating a pudding cup. After finishing his pudding cup while eyeing the bards down for a few minutes he finally says "Raz'ul you need new strings", and moves to leave.
The bards follow Symbol and press him for more information, Symbol instructs them to go to Lakeridge. When asks where in Lakeridge, Symbol responds by singing a jingle for Durden's Punch Bowl before turning a corner, vanishing and leaving behind a statue of himself. This statue holds a sack of three Ira Glasses for the bards to contact him with. Due to his reckless actions in assigning the bards this assignment, Symbol is summoned to Alola's office for a scolding, during which the bards return. He is sent out of the office along with a teachers manual after the bards recount their story with Wesley and the Ettercap. During the first round of Getting Schooled, Symbol apologizes to the bards for putting them them in a situation where their lives were at risk. He also instructs them to go to the library to pick up gifts from him. After a couple of days he tells the bards (now called Chaos Sauce) of their new assignment: The four of them will travel to Bassom to document events following a meteor crash. As they head to Bassom, Symbol teaches Chaos Sauce about 7th chords and apologizes again, this time for showing up late on their first day. || | |
until 'Expand' |
- He likes treats.
- The name Symbol is a homophone of 'cymbal', the mettalic discs which make a 'tshhh' sound as part of a drum kit.
- The nickname 'Splash' has its origins in this, a splash cymbal being the smallest kind of accent cymbal.
- In Beetzart, he is recognised by a number of characters and shown to be a popular and talented musician.
- He is associated with the bard college of Glamour.
- When Symbol uses his Glamour magic, he strikes a pose, and his hair turns rainbow and glittery. Raz'ul is physically blown backward after witnessing it.