- A Body of Stone
- A Boy Named Randy G
- A Civilization Left Behind
- A Little Louder
- A Look Ahead/Bonus Song/Recap
- A Splash
- Age of Dissonance
- Alabama
- Album Announcement/Bonus Song
- Alfric
- Ali Grant-Claset
- All You Fishy Folk
- All the Qualities of You
- Alola Greenspire
- Alphonse 'Whimpy' Correa
- Alto Brown
- Alto Brown's Orders
- Altonia
- An Imagined Life
- BH1 Behind the Magic: Symbol Pt.1
- BH1 Behind the Magic: Symbol Pt.2
- BH1 Behind the Magic: Symbol Pt.3
- BH1 Behind the Magic: Symbol Pt.4
- Bardic Dreaming
- Bards Gone Wilde(mount)
- Bards on Board - Our Trip to GEXCon
- Barenthall's Riddle
- Barenthall Strumlott
- Barenthol Strumlott (Soundtrack)
- Basom
- Basom (Song)
- Beetzart
- BomBARDed - A Musical Dungeons & Dragons Adventure
- BomBARDed Singles Vol 1
- BomBARDed Wiki
- Brenda McDade
- Bureau of Information (BOI)
- Bye Bye Barenthall
- Cast It Off
- Catch 'Em Up
- Cera Bellum
- Chaos Sauce
- Chaos Sauce!
- Chaos Sauce Battles the Pink row-BOT’s, Mvt. 1
- Chaos Sauce Battles the Pink row-BOT’s, Mvt. 2
- Chaos Sauce Volume 1
- Chaos Sauce Volume 2
- Chaos Sauce Volume 3
- Chaos Sauce Volume 4
- Chaos Sauce Volume 5
- Chaos Sauce Volume 6
- Chaos Sauce Volume 7
- Characters (all)
- Cheap Cheep
- Chow Down
- Clean It Up
- Come One, Come All
- Connor
- Continents
- Crossing Over
- Cult of Deras Mur
- Dam Dam Dam
- Day and Night
- Days Go By
- Decisions
- Delarim
- Discordant Fields
- Dogum Brusocks
- Dream Boyzzz
- Dreamforge Songs V1
- Dreamforge Songs V2
- Durden's Punch Bowl
- Eddie
- Emma Zahn
- Ep. 10 - Brawlin' in the Hall
- Ep. 11 - Out of the Frying Pan
- Ep. 12 - A Basom con Spirito!
- Ep. 13 - Water We Waiting For
- Ep. 14 - Bardception
- Ep. 15 - The S.S. Chaos Sauce
- Ep. 16 - Dark Places, Strange Faces
- Ep. 17 - Oh No You Squidn't!
- Ep. 18 - Layers and Lairs
- Ep. 19 - One Way or Another
- Ep. 1 - Welcome to Strumlotts
- Ep. 20 - Cera Bellum
- Ep. 21 - Getting Schooled, Mvt IV
- Ep. 22 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. V
- Ep. 23 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. VI
- Ep. 24 - Swords, Whispers, and Glamour
- Ep. 25 - Spillin' and Grillin'
- Ep. 26 - One, Two, Tree
- Ep. 27 - Bards of a Feather
- Ep. 28 - Bards Over Troubled Water
- Ep. 29 - The Dizzcent
- Ep. 2 - Tuning Up, Mvt. I
- Ep. 30 - Going the Dizztance
- Ep. 31 - Tomb to Dizzappear
- Ep. 32 - Seems Like a Fun Guy
- Ep. 33 - A Mound of Trouble
- Ep. 34 - Everyone Plays Apart
- Ep. 35 - Getting to the Bottom of Things
- Ep. 36 - Ooze Clues
- Ep. 37 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. VII
- Ep. 38 - Getting Schooled Mvt. VIII
- Ep. 39 - Hustlin' to the Hemphills
- Ep. 3 - Tuning Up, Mvt. II
- Ep. 40 - Randy's Return, Mvt. I
- Ep. 41 - Randy’s Return, Mvt. II
- Ep. 42 - Randy's Return, Mvt. III
- Ep. 43 - A Rock and a Bard Place
- Ep. 44 - A Stone’s Throw Away
- Ep. 45 - The Bicentennial, Mvt. I
- Ep. 46 - The Bicentennial, Mvt. II
- Ep. 47 - The Bicentennial, Mvt. III
- Ep. 48 - The Bicentennial, Mvt. IV
- Ep. 49 - The Bicentennial, Mvt. V
- Ep. 4 - Tuning Up, Mvt. III
- Ep. 50 - The BYEcentennial
- Ep. 51 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. IX
- Ep. 52 - The Belly of the Bard
- Ep. 53 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. X
- Ep. 54, Mvt. III - Randy's Day
- Ep. 54, Mvt. II - Raz'ul's Day
- Ep. 54, Mvt. I - Yashee's Day
- Ep. 55 - Wingin’ It
- Ep. 56 - The Devil in the Details
- Ep. 57 - The Past Returns
- Ep. 58 - Thinking Outside the Box
- Ep. 59 - Da Capo al Coda
- Ep. 5 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. I
- Ep. 60 - Baby One Lore Time
- Ep. 61 - Hello, Goodbye
- Ep. 62 - The Rest of Your Life
- Ep. 63 - The Road Home
- Ep. 64 - Battle or Skedaddle
- Ep. 65 - Party Animals
- Ep. 66 - Chaos Boss
- Ep. 67 - The ol' Raz'ul/Daz'ul
- Ep. 68.5 - Times Between
- Ep. 68 - The King of Rockdeep
- Ep. 69 - Nice
- Ep. 6 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. II
- Ep. 70 - First Chair
- Ep. 71 - Lead On, Leon
- Ep. 72 - Modulation Exploration
- Ep. 73 - Gregs' Place
- Ep. 74 - 2 Proud 2 Greg
- Ep. 75 - Oh, Monoxys!
- Ep. 76 - The Orc-estra
- Ep. 77 - Atonal Eclipse of the Bard
- Ep. 78 - Reed, Read, Seed
- Ep. 79 - We'll Vow About That
- Ep. 7 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. III
- Ep. 80 - Leapin' Lyreions!
- Ep. 81 - TabithUH-OH
- Ep. 82 - Timo To Go
- Ep. 83 - Stretto to the Metal
- Ep. 84 - It Ain't Over Easy
- Ep. 85 - An Intervaluable Lesson
- Ep. 86 - Hear Me Out
- Ep. 87 - Call Time
- Ep. 88 - Barding is Such Sweet Sorrow
- Ep. 8 - On The Road Again
- Ep. 9 - To Basom
- Episodes
- Erin 'Big Shot' Copeland
- Everything I Want to Know
- Flappity Flap
- Gareth North
- Going Places
- Gregor Casmore
- Gregor Casmore.
- Handy Randy
- Headmistress Alola Greenspire
- Hemp Hills
- Hitting the Road
- Holiday Special - March of the Toys, Mvt. I
- Holiday Special - March of the Toys, Mvt. II
- Holiday Special - The Summoning of Gobblox
- Horsey, Horsey
- If Basom Fades Away
- Ilda Glintrock
- Isle of Ignota
- Japhne
- Jermaine
- King Daz'ul
- Kyle (Plant)
- Kyle Claset
- Lakeridge
- Leyla
- Locations
- Lou Read
- Louisiana
- Making A Splash
- Mary Dantelle
- Melvin!
- Melvin the Magnificent
- Melvin the Magnificent (Song)
- Miles and Miles
- Mississippi
- Mount Tain
- Mvt. II - The Air of the City
- Mvt. II - The River Flows Where The Mountain Leads
- Mvt. I - The Bear Berry Jam
- Mvt. I - We Don't Give a Duck
- Nick Goodrich
- Nick Spurrier
- No Going Back
- North Stars
- Not-Basom
- Nurse Odejoy
- OST Vol 1 Announcement/Bonus Song
- OST Volume I
- OST Volume II
- OST Volume III
- OST Volume IV
- OST Volume V
- OST Volume VI
- Oodalolli Mountain Range
- Open Up
- Orfell Bordun
- Pantheon
- Randy's Watching Eyes
- Randy, Oh Randy
- Randy, Raz'ul, and I
- Randy Greentrees
- Raz'ul Daz'ulson
- Reading Randy (song)
- Redaba
- Reed
- Reginald Brown
- Rent-a-tee Sandatee (Song)
- Rhiannon
- Rock Apart the Rocks
- Ruffalo Wild Wings
- Sanra D
- Silk Grove
- Silkgrove
- Sneak It Up
- Spicy, Sweet, and Keen
- Squid E. Vicious
- Squidvicious
- Stargazers Unite!
- Stargazers United
- Strumlott's School Song
- Strumlotts
- Sully
- Summer Songs
- Summer Songs Ep. 1 - In the Garage
- Symbol
- Tabitha Wright
- Tennessee
- Texas
- The Door To The Dizz
- The Isle of Ignota, Mvt. I
- The Isle of Ignota, Mvt. II
- The Moons
- The Music That We're Making
- The Nowhere Men
- The Punch Bowl
- The Punch Bowl (Soundtrack)
- The S.S. Chaos Sauce (Song)
- The World
- The bombarDEAD Halloween Special
- Those Hands
- Tibbledy Tom Titomalon
- To Be Small
- Tomb of the Dizz
- Tony
- Usumptin
- Virginia
- Volume One-off
- Walls of a City
- Wandering
- Wesley
- What's Going On
- What About The Old Days?
- While We Were Out
- Yashee, Won't You Dance With Me?
- Yashee Bordun
- You Are Loved
- Zil