Welcome to the BomBARDed podcast! This page contains links to individual episode summaries. For the category page, see here. This page is a work in progress!
For episode list and summaries, see here.
For episode transcripts, head to the official website.
Main Story Episodes[]
- Welcome to Strumlotts
- Tuning Up, Mvt. I
- Tuning Up, Mvt. II
- Tuning Up, Mvt. III
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. I
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. II
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. III
- On The Road Again
- To Basom
- Brawlin' in the Hall
- Out of the Frying Pan
- A Basom con Spirito!
- Water We Waiting For
- Bardception
- The S.S. Chaos Sauce
- Dark Places, Strange Faces
- Oh No You Squidn't!
- Layers and Lairs
- One Way or Another
- Cera Bellum
- Getting Schooled, Mvt IV
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. V
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. VI
- Swords, Whispers, and Glamour
- Spillin' and Grillin'
- One, Two, Tree
- Bards of a Feather
- Bards Over Troubled Water
- The Dizzcent
- Going the Dizztance
- Tomb to Dizzappear
- Seems Like a Fun Guy
- A Mound of Trouble
- Everyone Plays Apart
- Getting to the Bottom of Things
- Ooze Clues
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. VII
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. VIII
- Hustlin' to the Hemphills
- Randy's Return, Mvt. I
- Randy's Return, Mvt. II
- Randy's Return, Mvt. III
- A Rock and a Bard Place
- A Stone's Throw Away
- The Bicentennial, Mvt. I
- The Bicentennial, Mvt. II
- The Bicentennial, Mvt. III
- The Bicentennial, Mvt. IV
- The Bicentennial, Mvt. V
- The BYEcentennial
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. IX
- The Belly of the Bard
- Getting Schooled, Mvt. X
- Mvt. I - Yashee's Day --- Mvt. II - Raz'ul's Day --- Mvt. III - Randy's Day
- Wingin’ It
- The Devil in the Details
- The Past Returns
- Thinking Outside the Box
- Da Capo al Coda
- Baby One Lore Time
- Hello, Goodbye
- The Rest of Your Life
- The Road Home
- Battle or Skedaddle
- Party Animals
- Chaos Boss
- The ol' Raz'ul/Daz'ul
- The King of Rockdeep
- 68.5. Times Between
- Nice
- First Chair
- Lead On, Leon
- Modulation Exploration
- Gregs' Place
- 2 Proud 2 Greg
- Oh, Monoxys!
- The Orc-estra
- Atonal Eclipse of the Bard
- Reed, Read, Seed
- We'll Vow About That
- Leapin' Lyreions!
- TabithUH-OH
- Timo To Go
- Stretto to the Metal
- It Ain't Over Easy
- An Intervaluable Lesson
- Hear Me Out
- Call Time
- Barding is Such Sweet Sorrow
Special Episodes[]
- Holiday Special - March of the Toys, Mvt. I (released 28 Nov 2017)
- Holiday Special - March of the Toys, Mvt. II (released 13 Dec 2017)
- A Look Ahead/Bonus Song/Recap (released 26 Dec 2017)
- Album Announcement/Bonus Song (released 27 Mar 2018)
- OST Vol 1 Announcement/Bonus Song (released 24 Apr 2018)
- Song of Rest
- Bards on Board - Our Trip to GEXCon (released 9 Oct 2018)
- Holiday Special - The Summoning of Gobblox (released 20 Nov 2018)
- 2018 Recrap & Beyond (1 Jan 2019)
- BomBARDed: Unplugged (Mailbag Special)
- DnD Live Show with Greetings, Adventurers!
- DnD Live 2019 Show with The Cocktail Crew
- BardLibs 2019
- The bombarDEAD Halloween Special (2019)
- The Isle of Ignota, Mvt. I
- The Isle of Ignota, Mvt. II
- Bards Gone Wilde(mount)
- Chaos Sauce Battles the Pink row-BOT’s, Mvt. 1
- Chaos Sauce Battles the Pink row-BOT’s, Mvt. 2
- BomBARDed: Unplugged 2 (Mailbag Special)
- bomBARDed Holiday Variety Show
- Snow Daze
- Summer Songs Ep. 1 - In the Garage
- Summer Songs Ep. 2 - Bard Explorer
- Summer Songs Ep. 3 - Bardic Relay
- Holiday Recital
- You Relay Got Me
- BomBARDed: Unplugged (Final Mailbag!)