BomBARDed Wiki

Welcome to the BomBARDed podcast! This page contains links to individual episode summaries. For the category page, see here. This page is a work in progress!

For episode list and summaries, see here.

For episode transcripts, head to the official website.

Main Story Episodes[]

  1. Welcome to Strumlotts
  2. Tuning Up, Mvt. I
  3. Tuning Up, Mvt. II
  4. Tuning Up, Mvt. III
  5. Getting Schooled, Mvt. I
  6. Getting Schooled, Mvt. II
  7. Getting Schooled, Mvt. III
  8. On The Road Again
  9. To Basom
  10. Brawlin' in the Hall
  11. Out of the Frying Pan
  12. A Basom con Spirito!
  13. Water We Waiting For
  14. Bardception
  15. The S.S. Chaos Sauce
  16. Dark Places, Strange Faces
  17. Oh No You Squidn't!
  18. Layers and Lairs
  19. One Way or Another
  20. Cera Bellum
  21. Getting Schooled, Mvt IV
  22. Getting Schooled, Mvt. V
  23. Getting Schooled, Mvt. VI
  24. Swords, Whispers, and Glamour
  25. Spillin' and Grillin'
  26. One, Two, Tree
  27. Bards of a Feather
  28. Bards Over Troubled Water
  29. The Dizzcent
  30. Going the Dizztance
  31. Tomb to Dizzappear
  32. Seems Like a Fun Guy
  33. A Mound of Trouble
  34. Everyone Plays Apart
  35. Getting to the Bottom of Things
  36. Ooze Clues
  37. Getting Schooled, Mvt. VII
  38. Getting Schooled, Mvt. VIII
  39. Hustlin' to the Hemphills
  40. Randy's Return, Mvt. I
  41. Randy's Return, Mvt. II
  42. Randy's Return, Mvt. III
  43. A Rock and a Bard Place
  44. A Stone's Throw Away
  45. The Bicentennial, Mvt. I
  46. The Bicentennial, Mvt. II
  47. The Bicentennial, Mvt. III
  48. The Bicentennial, Mvt. IV
  49. The Bicentennial, Mvt. V
  50. The BYEcentennial
  51. Getting Schooled, Mvt. IX
  52. The Belly of the Bard
  53. Getting Schooled, Mvt. X
  54. Mvt. I - Yashee's Day --- Mvt. II - Raz'ul's Day --- Mvt. III - Randy's Day
  55. Wingin’ It
  56. The Devil in the Details
  57. The Past Returns
  58. Thinking Outside the Box
  59. Da Capo al Coda
  60. Baby One Lore Time
  61. Hello, Goodbye
  62. The Rest of Your Life
  63. The Road Home
  64. Battle or Skedaddle
  65. Party Animals
  66. Chaos Boss
  67. The ol' Raz'ul/Daz'ul
  68. The King of Rockdeep
  69. Nice
  70. First Chair
  71. Lead On, Leon
  72. Modulation Exploration
  73. Gregs' Place
  74. 2 Proud 2 Greg
  75. Oh, Monoxys!
  76. The Orc-estra
  77. Atonal Eclipse of the Bard
  78. Reed, Read, Seed
  79. We'll Vow About That
  80. Leapin' Lyreions!
  81. TabithUH-OH
  82. Timo To Go
  83. Stretto to the Metal
  84. It Ain't Over Easy
  85. An Intervaluable Lesson
  86. Hear Me Out
  87. Call Time
  88. Barding is Such Sweet Sorrow

Special Episodes[]

BH1 Behind the Magic: Symbol[]